Friday, March 18, 2011

The Arrival of Angles

Ok, watch this video and tell me, how could you not love them? I can't hold back from briefly plugging The Strokes new album, which you can now listen to on their website. I know, I already did a whole big blah-blah post about them. But now you can HEAR it, the album we've been waiting for for five years! That first song, Machu Picchu, gave me goose bumps (partly because I'm just so happy they're still making music together.) What they've created is a unique and new sound for themselves and their fans.

It's different, but it's still them. I'll admit, these songs are kind of the current soundtrack of my life, whether I'm in my room, at the gym, walking to school, or riding the bus. Obsessed? No. Dedicated fan? Yes. The official album can be purchased on the 22nd, which I will buy (and so should you), but its current availability on their website makes me so thankful for technology.

1 comment:

  1. So far, I can say, that the new album sounds like an excellent piece of music.

    Luke DAWG
