Friday, March 11, 2011

Thrift City

Photograph by Hannah Schultz
Alright folks, it's time to shake things up. Instead of going into some über-personal description of something in my room, I'm going to give you a list of my three favorite thrift/vintage stores in Portland. I may not be the most qualified or experienced "thrifter" to be giving this advice, but I've had a few successful adventures that I want to share:

1: Name: Cargo Location: 380 NW 13th Ave.
This place is insane. It also feels somewhat out of place in the high-price, clean-cut atmosphere of the Pearl District. But me oh my, I am so happy it exists. Upon arrival, the first thing you'll notice are the balloons and vintage furniture decorating the outside. It's quirky and strange and draws a lot of people in. The inside, however, is completely overwhelming (in such a good way). Everywhere you look, there are hundreds of obscure trinkets, most of which are Chinese-inspired. They truly fill ever empty space with as many items as possible. For those with legitimate incomes, they also sell some pretty wonderful and quality furniture.

Photograph by Hannah Schultz
My favorite items I've purchased here are my matches and vintage maps of Europe. Each box of matches has a different design, my favorite being the New York subway system, and they're completely re-usable. As a bonus, the bags they give you when you purchase something are like a gift in themselves. They're essentially old newspapers turned into shopping bags, which is clever, eco-friendly, and very Portland. Overall, this place is a gem. When I have a career, steady income, and my own home to decorate, a good portion of my things will hopefully come from Cargo.

Vintage Photobooth
2: Name: House of Vintage Location: 3315 SE Hawthorne Blvd.
This store and I have a history. Even before I moved to Portland, I'd been here with my boyfriend. They have a vintage photobooth in their entryway, so of coarse we documented our impending adventure. House of Vintage is Portland's largest "vintage superstore." They host over fifty-five independent dealers in a space of about 13,000 square feet. Needless to say, it's huge. With rooms connected to other hidden rooms, every corner hosts a new discovery. Walking around, you feel like the space will never run out. From furniture to clothing to any other decorative piece you could imagine (or never would have thought to imagine), this place has it all. You really have no idea what you may stumble upon. The fact that it's on Hawthorne makes it even better, since that entire street has dozens of quirky vintage shops.

Unfortunately, no items in my room are from here, but I have gone here to buy gifts for others. I bought my best friend Georgia a Napoleon Dynamite-esque wolf sweater that she (thankfully) loved. And I plan to go back in the near future, when I have a few extra dollars to spend and a desire for adventure.

3: Name: Goodwill Location: 3134 N. Lombard St.
Photograph by Allison O' Connor
This store is classic, and really doesn't require my attempt at a description. Going to a themed 70's, 80's, or 90's party and need an outfit? Goodwill to the rescue! I must admit, I have gone there for that very purpose. But they don't exist solely for the hipsters of the world. What I really love is that you can donate to Goodwill. That's probably what I use it for the most. I am a fickle young girl, and I change my mind about clothing more than I should. Goodwill has been very kind to me when it comes to cleaning out my closet.

I also admire the work they do for the disabled community. They make a difference by purposely hiring people with disabilities, people who have in many ways been shunned by society at large. It's a wonderful organization and I'm happy to support them. I also love their never-ending collection of warm winter sweaters and broken Polaroid cameras. From my experience, the Goodwill on Lombard is definitely worth checking out.

I highly recommend all of these places, but because it's Portland, I know there are a lot more stores I've yet to discover. And that's one of the things I love the most about our charming little city!
So what about you? Do you have any favorite thrift/vintage stores?


  1. I absolutely love this post. Although Portland is a total vintage-loving city, it can be hard to find a really good vintage store. Its word of mouth like your post that spreads the word about these hidden gem stores.

    I am now wanting to go to Cargo and House of Vintage!

  2. Thank you Roya! I really hope you can check out Cargo. It's one of my favorite places in Portland. Thrifting can be a bit overwhelming, but that's kind of what makes it so rewarding in the end.

  3. Great post! I too have been to House of Vintage and loved that you mentioned the photobooth. I think people underestimate the greatness of those. There is another one downtown at Stumptown! I think House of Vintage overall is an awesome place just for exploring, even if you don't buy anything so glad you're sharing your find.
